Kickstart Your Coding Journey

17 NOVEMBER, 2022. IOSD MAIT organized an informative session on Data Structures and Algorithms chaired by Mr. Kartik Mathur, fellow IT enthusiast and the co-founder of Coding Blocks. The session was conducted in the college mini auditorium, with more than 350 active registrations. The entire event was also being live streamed to students throughout the college.

Kartik Sir started the session with interactive puzzles, explaining how the skill of optimal thinking is imperative in today’s competitive world. He continuously stressed on the power of positive thinking and urged the students to leave behind their focus on branch and college distinction. He talked about procrastination and its demotivating impact on the human mind. Sir introduced the beginning blocks of the DSA journey through a well-structured playlist, and provided articles for the same. He provided the students with a platform, namely HackerBlocks, where they can easily practice trending DSA problems. He talked in detail about internships, and what participating companies look for in their candidates. Continually, he stressed on consistency and the power of self-learning. Furthermore, he talked about multiple career choices and tech stacks available; including Competitive Programming, Open Source, Web and Full-stack Development.

A notable feature about the seminar was Kartik Sir’s friendly way of explaining things with the use of memes from famous movies and TV shows. Finally, he engaged the students in a QnA round, answering their queries and motivating them further. He highlighted how collaboration is another important skill to have in the IT sector.