A one-day workshop on “Python

A One-day workshop on “Python” was organized by the Department of CSE in association with APSMIND Technology Pvt. Ltd on 20th February 2020 by CSE Department. It was scheduled from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm for all the students of the institute in Lab 131-132, Block 1. Workshop started with the motivational talk by Mr. Amit Gupta, director, Apsmind. Mr. Chander Mohan Pundhir, senior corporate trainer discussed basics of Python, followed by hands on programming in Python. In post lunch session, overview of machine learning using python was discussed. Total 39 Students attended the workshop. Speaker was open to questions, thereby making the session more interesting and interactive.

Our Faculty, Dr. Pooja Gupta, coordinated the entire workshop along with students’ coordinators Aman Kumar and Tanya.