Research Papers in Journals/Conferences(Aug 2017- July 2018)
S.No. | Faculty Name | Title | Journal/Conference | ISSN/DOI | Indexing | Year |
1 | Mr. Yogesh Sharma | Botnet Detection by Network Behavior Ananlysis | GRD Journals | 2455-5703 | Google Scholar | Oct, 2017 |
2 | Mr. Moolchand Sharma | Detection and Elimination of Search Engine Spams using various techniqes. | IJPAM | 1311-8080 | Scopus | Nov, 2017 |
3 | Ms. Prerna Sharma | Detection and Elimination of Search Engine Spams using various techniqes. | IJPAM | 1311-8080 | Scopus | Nov, 2017 |
4 | Dr. Ashish Khanna | Detection and Elimination of Search Engine Spams using various techniqes. | IJPAM | 1311-8080 | Scopus | Nov, 2017 |
5 | Dr. Ashish Khanna | Survey of Mutual Exclusion and its variants in Distributed Systems and MANET's | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 1314-3395 | Scopus | Dec,2017 |
6 | Dr. Ashish Khanna | Image Segmentation and Edge Detection | IJARTET | 2394-3777 | UGC, Google Scholar, CiteSeer, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus | September,2017 |
7 | Dr. Deepak Gupta | Image Segmentation and Edge Detection | IJARTET | 2394-3777 | UGC, Google Scholar, CiteSeer, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus | September,2017 |
8 | Dr. Ashish Khanna | Introduction to Variation of MANET's: VANET's and FANET's | IJARTET | 2394-3777 | UGC, Google Scholar, CiteSeer, DOAJ, IndexCopernicus | September,2017 |
9 | Dr. Deepak Gupta | Feature selection for usability evaluation using MMFO: A novel Approach | Future generation Computer Systems | 0167-739X | SCIE | Dec,2017 |
10 | Ms. Jyoti Sharma | Optimal component selection algorithm for appropriate software components selection | Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, vol. 15, pp.71-80 | 2395-4205 | EBSCOhost (USA) | 2017 |
11 | Ms. Jyoti Sharma | An Experimental study of algorithm for selection of components in component based software development environment | Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 10(14), pp.1-4 | 0974-6846 | Scopus | 2017 |
12 | Ms. Jyoti Sharma | Package Based Cohesion measurement in component based software development | International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 9, pp. 3172-3182 | 2227-524X | Scopus | 2017 |
13 | Ms. Garima Gupta | Comparative Study of Random Forest and Neural Network for Prediction in Direct Marketing | International Conference on Signals, Machine and Automation, SIGMA 2018, NSIT, Delhi | - | February , 2018 | |
14 | Dr. Deepak Gupta | Taxonomy of GUM and Usability Prediction using GUM Multistage Fuzzy Expert System | International Arab Journal of Information Technology | 1683-3198 | SCIE (IF 0.72) | 2018 |
15 | Ms. Sudha Narang | Comparison of Face Recognition Algorithms Using OpenCV for Attendance System | International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications | 2250-3153 | Google Scholar*, BASE (Bielefeld University Library)* and OARD | February, 2018 |
16 | Ms. Divya Arora | Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Techniques in Sphere of Medical Science | International Journal of Computer Applications | 0975 – 8887 | Google Scholar | March,2018 |
17 | Ms. Karuna Middha | Global Terrorism Visualisation and Analysis | International Journal for scientific research and Development | 2321-0613 | Google Scholar | March,2018 |
18 | Ms. Karuna Middha | Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Techniques in Sphere of Medical Science | International Journal of Computer Applications | 0975 – 8887 | Google Scholar | March,2018 |
19 | Ms. Savita Sharma | Handwriting Recognition and Character prediction using Neural Networks | International Journal for scientific research and Development | 2321-0613 | Google Scholar | March,2018 |
20 | Mr. Ashish Sharma | Malicious Node Identification in Hybrid Architecture Performance Analysis for Device to Device Communication in 5G Cellular Network | JETIR International Journal | ISSN: 2349-5162 | Google Scholar | April, 2018 |
21 | Mr. Ashish Sharma | Document Security and Storage on Blockchain | JETIR International Journal | ISSN: 2349-5162 | Google Scholar | April, 2018 |
22 | Mr. Moolchand Sharma | Security on Cloud Computing using SPLIT Algorithm with Cryptography and Steganography | ICICC- 2018 | - | Springer | July,2018 |
23 | Ms. Prerna Sharma | Leaf Identification Using HOG, KNN and Neural Networks | ICICC- 2018 | - | Springer | July,2018 |
24 | Ms. Prerna Sharma | Street Light Energy Saver | ICICC- 2018 | - | Springer | July,2018 |
25 | Dr. Deepak Gupta | Optimized Cuttlefish Algorithm for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease | Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 52, 36-48 | 1389-0417 | SCIE (IF 1.4) | Jun-18 |
26 | Dr.Deepak Gupta | Improved diagnosis of Parkinson's disease based on Optimized Crow Search Algorithm | Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 68, 412-424 | 0045-7906 | SCIE (IF 1.7) | May-18 |
27 | Dr. Ashish Khanna | Optimized Cuttlefish Algorithm for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease | Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 52, 36-48 | 1389-0417 | SCIE (IF 1.4) | Jun-18 |
28 | Dr. Ashish Khanna | Improved diagnosis of Parkinson's disease based on Optimized Crow Search Algorithm | Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 68, 412-424 | 0045-7906 | SCIE (IF 1.7) | May-18 |
29 | Shallu Juneja, Mudit | Comparing Classification Models for predicting Liver Diseases | International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing | ISSN:2320-088X | April 2018. |