Research Papers in Journals/Conferences(Aug 2020- July 2021)
Name of the Faculty Member | Title of the Research Paper | Volume | Page No. | Year | Name of the Journal | National/International | ISSN/ ISBN No. |
Anupam Kumar | Decentralized and Secure Communication Architecture for FANETs using Blockchain | 173 | 158-170 | 20-06-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Anupam Kumar | Enhanced Image Restoration by GANs using Game Theory | 173 | 225-233 | 20-06-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Anupam Kumar | Employing Differentiable Neural Computers for Image Captioning and Neural Machine Translation | 173 | 234-244 | 20-06-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Anupam Kumar | Super Resolution using GANs for Medical Imaging | 173 | 28-35 | 20-06-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Anupam Kumar | Lung tuberculosis detection using anti-aliased convolutional networks | 173 | 281-290 | 20-06-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Anupam Kumar | Alzheimer's disease diagnosis based on feature extraction using optimised crow search algorithm and deep learning | Article in press | Article in press | 20-06-2020 | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | International | 1741-5047 |
Ashish Khanna | An Efficient Lightweight Integrated Blockchain (ELIB) Model for IoT Security and Privacy | 102 | 1027-1037 | Jan 2020, | Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier) | International | 0167-739X |
Ashish Khanna | Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic retinopathy images using synergic deep learning model | 133 | 210-216 | 06-05-2020 | Pattern Recognition Letters | International | 0167-8655 |
Ashish Khanna | Agent Pseudonymous Authentication-Based Conditional Privacy Preservation: An Emergent Intelligence Technique | 14 | 5233 - 5244 | 01-06-2020 | IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL | International | 1937-9234 |
Ashish Khanna | CovidGAN: Data Augmentation Using Auxiliary Classifier GAN for Improved Covid-19 Detection | 8 | 91916 - 91923 | 14-05-2020 | IEEE Access | International | 2169-3536 |
Ashish Khanna | An Internet of Health Things Driven Deep Learning Framework for Detection and Classification of Skin Cancer using Transfer Learning, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies | NA | NA | May 2020 | ETT, Wiley | International | NA |
Ashish Khanna | Comparison of RSM, ANN and Fuzzy Logic for extraction of Oleonolic Acid from Ocimum sanctum | 117 | Na | May 2020 | Computers in Industry(Elsevier) | International | 0166-3615 |
Ashish Khanna | A Novel Transfer Learning Based Approach for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Ray Images | NA | Na | Jan 2020 | Applied Sciences (MDPI) | International | NA |
Ashish Khanna | Local Mutual Exclusion Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic for Flying Ad Hoc Networks | 156 | Na | May 2020 | Computer Communications (Elsevier) | International | 0140-3664 |
Ashish Khanna | Emotion Recognition and Detection Methods: A Comprehensive Survey | NA | Na | Feb 2020 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, | International | 2642-2859 |
Ashish Sharma | Comparison of Various Scale Invariant Crowd Count Analysis Methods | - | 113–119 | 01-07-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 173 (2020) |
Ashish Sharma | Energy Efficiency Techniques in Heterogeneous Networks | 2 | 13-19 | 01-04-2020 | Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management (JCIM) | International | 2690-6775 |
Ashish Sharma | Hand Gesture Recognition using Image Processing and Feature Extraction Techniques | - | 181–190 | 01-07-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 173 (2020) 181–190 |
Ashish Sharma | Empirical Study of Function Point Analysis during Software Development phase | 2 | 20-24 | 01-04-2020 | Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management (JCIM) | International | 2690-6775 |
Ashish Sharma | Implementation of Crowd Sale using ERC-20 Tokens | 2 | 5-12 | 01-04-2020 | Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management (JCIM) | International | 2690-6775 |
Ashish Sharma | HomeTec Software for Security Aspects of Smart Home Devices Based on IOT | 5 | 5-16 | 01-05-2020 | Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management (JCIM) | International | 2690-6775 |
Deepak Gupta | An Efficient Lightweight Integrated Blockchain (ELIB) Model for IoT Security and Privacy | 102 | 1027-1037 | Jan 2020, | Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier) | International | 0167-739X |
Deepak Gupta | Feature selection and evaluation for software usability model using modified moth-flame optimization | 102 | 1502-1520 | 05-05-2020 | Computing | International | 1436-5057 |
Deepak Gupta | Automated detection and classification of fundus diabetic retinopathy images using synergic deep learning model | 133 | 210-216 | 06-05-2020 | Pattern Recognition Letters | International | 0167-8655 |
Deepak Gupta | Agent Pseudonymous Authentication-Based Conditional Privacy Preservation: An Emergent Intelligence Technique | 14 | 5233 - 5244 | 01-06-2020 | IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL | International | 1937-9234 |
Deepak Gupta | Internet of Health Things Driven Deep Learning System for Detection and Classification of Cervical Cells using Transfer Learning | 76 | 8590–8608 | 14-01-2020 | The Journal of Supercomputing | International | 1573-0484 |
Deepak Gupta | CovidGAN: Data Augmentation Using Auxiliary Classifier GAN for Improved Covid-19 Detection | 8 | 91916 - 91923 | 14-05-2020 | IEEE Access | International | 2169-3536 |
Deepak Gupta | Comparison of RSM, ANN and Fuzzy Logic for extraction of Oleonolic Acid from Ocimum sanctum | 117 | Na | May 2020 | Computers in Industry(Elsevier) | International | 0166-3615 |
Deepak Gupta | A Novel Transfer Learning Based Approach for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Ray Images | NA | Na | Jan 2020 | Applied Sciences (MDPI) | International | NA |
Deepak Gupta | Local Mutual Exclusion Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic for Flying Ad Hoc Networks | 156 | Na | May 2020 | Computer Communications (Elsevier) | International | 0140-3664 |
Deepak Gupta | Optimized grass hopper algorithm for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease | NA | Na | May 2020 | SN Applied Sciences,springer | International | NA |
Deepak Gupta | A Blockchain-enabled Multi Domain Edge Computing Orchestrator | NA | Na | June 2020 | IInternet of Things Magazine.,IEEE | International | 2576-3180 |
Deepak Gupta | Emotion Recognition and Detection Methods: A Comprehensive Survey | NA | Na | Feb 2020 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems, | International | 2642-2859 |
Deepak Gupta | Artificial Plant Optimization Algorithm to detect Heart Rate & Presence of Heart Disease using Machine Learning | 102 | Na | Jan 2020 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Elsevier) | International | NA |
Dr Farzil Kidwai | Peer to Peer Communication in GUI interface using Lora Technology | 173 | 299-204 | 01-07-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Dr Farzil Kidwai | Insurance Fraud Identification using Computer Vision and IoT: A Study of Field Fires | 173 | 56-63 | 01-07-2020 | Procedia Computer Science | International | 1877-0509 |
Dr. Sandeep Tayal | Energy Efficiency Techniques in Heterogeneous Networks | 2 | 13-19 | 02-04-2020 | Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management | International | 2690-6775 |
MOOLCHAND SHARMA | Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Physical Communication | 41 | 101115 | 06-05-2020 | Physical Communication | International | 1874-4907 |
NEELAM SHARMA | “A Transmission Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network” | VOL 12 NO 4 (2020), | pp 18-27 | 30-04-2020 | International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE), University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia | International | 2349 - 9362 |
REKHA SINGLA | Stackoverflow tag prediction using tag associations and code analysis | 23 | 35-43 | 20-04-2020 | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography Volume 23,2020 -Issue 1, Pages 35-43 published online: 20 April,2020 | International | 09720529 |
REKHA SINGLA | Feature reduction using a random-switching genetic algorithm | 41 | 365-377 | 28-04-2020 | Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences | International | 2169-0103 |
shallu juneja | Ø “Art-Based Rendering of Digital Images using Texture Transfer Algorithm” in open access International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) Volume 9-Issue 3,March 2020 Edition. (SCOPUS JOURNAL) | 9 | 6537-6540 | 03-03-2020 | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) Volume 9-Issue 3,March 2020 Edition. (SCOPUS JOURNAL) | International | 2277-8616 |
YOGESH SHARMA | COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS PLATFORMS OF BLOCKCHAIN | 11 | 1-5 | 18-06-2020 | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering | International | 0976-5166 |
YOGESH SHARMA | Preserving the Privacy of Electronic Health Records using Blockchain | 173 | 171–180 | 01-07-2020 | PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, ELSEVIER | International | 1877-0509 |
Ashish Khanna | An Optimized Dense Convolutional Neural Network Model for Disease Recognition and Classification in Corn Leaf | 175 | 105456 | 04-08-2020 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | International | 0168-1699 |
Ashish Khanna | A Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Transport Vehicle Allocation Problem in a Dynamic Transportation System | 1 | 1-14 | 13-08-2020 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | International | 1524-9050 |
Ashish Khanna | Optimized Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder | 41 | Na | Aug 2020 | (Elsevier)Physical Communication | International | 1874-4907 |
Deepak Gupta | An Optimized Dense Convolutional Neural Network Model for Disease Recognition and Classification in Corn Leaf | 175 | 105456 | 04-08-2020 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | International | 0168-1699 |
Deepak Gupta | A Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Transport Vehicle Allocation Problem in a Dynamic Transportation System | 1 | 1-14 | 13-08-2020 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | International | 1524-9050 |
Deepak Gupta | Smart Healthcare and Quality of Service in IoT using Grey Filter Convolutional Based Cipher Physical System | 59 | NA | ########## | Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier | International | 2210-6707 |
Deepak Gupta | Optimized Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm for Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder | 41 | Na | Aug 2020 | (Elsevier)Physical Communication | International | 1874-4907 |
MOOLCHAND SHARMA | MOTION TRANSFER IN VIDEOS USING DCGAN | 2 | 17-24 | 31-08-2020 | Innovative Computing and Communication An International Journal |
International | NIL |
MOOLCHAND SHARMA | Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neural Networks (Resnet) | 20 | 2140002-2140021 | 30-08-2020 | International Journal of Image and Graphics | International | 0219-4678 |
Ashish Khanna | Energy efficient clustering with disease diagnosis model for IoT based sustainable healthcare systems | 28 | 100453 | 08-12-2020 | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | International | 2210-5379 |
Ashish Khanna | Diagnosis of heart diseases by a secure Internet of Health Things system based on Autoencoder Deep Neural Network | 162 | 31-50 | 14-10-2020 | Computer Communications | International | 0140-3664 |
Ashish Khanna | Segment Routing based Energy Aware Routing for Software Defined Data Center | NA | NA | Sep 2020 | Cognitive Systems Research, | International | 1389-0417 |
Ashish Khanna | Remote Monitoring of Physical Rehabilitation of stroke patients using IoT and Virtual reality | NA | Na | Sep 2020 | Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC) IEEE Journal | International | 1558-0008 |
Ashish Khanna | Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithms for Neural Network Weight Distribution: A Classification Model for Parkinson's Disease | NA | Na | Sep 2020 | Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences | International | NA |
Ashish Sharma | Automated Stock Trading Algorithm | 7 | 480-485 | 01-11-2020 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR | International | (ISSN-2349-5162 |
Ashish Sharma | Performance Enhancement of 4G LTE Network During Rainy Weather by Bit Error Rate (BER) Reduction | 7 | 944-949 | 01-12-2020 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) | International | 2349-5162 |
Deepak Gupta | Energy efficient clustering with disease diagnosis model for IoT based sustainable healthcare systems | 28 | 100453 | 08-12-2020 | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | International | 2210-5379 |
Deepak Gupta | Diagnosis of heart diseases by a secure Internet of Health Things system based on Autoencoder Deep Neural Network | 162 | 31-50 | 14-10-2020 | Computer Communications | International | 0140-3664 |
Deepak Gupta | Segment Routing based Energy Aware Routing for Software Defined Data Center | NA | NA | Sep 2020 | Cognitive Systems Research, | International | 1389-0417 |
Deepak Gupta | Remote Monitoring of Physical Rehabilitation of stroke patients using IoT and Virtual reality | NA | Na | Sep 2020 | Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC) IEEE Journal | International | 1558-0008 |
Deepak Gupta | 5G Integrated Spectrum Selection and Spectrum Access using AI-based Framework for IoT based Sensor Networks | NA | Na | Oct 2020 | Computer Networks | International | NA |
Deepak Gupta | An Improved IDAF-FIT Clustering Based ASLPP-RR Routing with Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network | NA | Na | Oct 2020 | Mobile Networks and Applications ,springer | International | NA |
Deepak Gupta | Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithms for Neural Network Weight Distribution: A Classification Model for Parkinson's Disease | NA | Na | Sep 2020 | Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences | International | NA |
MOOLCHAND SHARMA | Leveraging the power of quantum computing for breaking RSA encryption | 6 | 1-20 | 03-09-2020 | Cyber-Physical Systems | International | 2333-5777 |
Ms. kavita saxena | Image to Caption Generator | VOLUME 6 ISSUE 12 6(12) | 181-185 | 05-12-2020 | International Journal for Modern Science and Technology | International | 2455-3778 |
Deepak Gupta | DCAVN: Cervical Cancer Prediction and Classification using Deep Convolutional and Variational Autoencoder Network | NA | NA | 01-04-2020 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | International | 1573-7721 |